Hope Arena
CourseBe a part of a powerful community of believers. Hope Arena is a place to connect with other family and build a tribe around the world of like-minded believers.
$9.99 / month
Culture of Empowerment
CourseTake the lid off of your leadership. This course is for on-the-go leaders who want to be good mentors, create the culture of empowerment, and want their people to succeed personally and in the organization.
NFPF Spanish
CourseÚnete a nosotros paso a paso. El Salmo 34:3 NO dice: “Magnifica el problema conmigo”; dice: “Engrandeced a Jehova conmigo”.
NFPF German
Course40 Tage feiern! Psalm 34,4 sagt nicht "Erhebt mit mir die Probleme", sondern "Erhebt mit mir den Herrn"! Bist du bereit, aus Mustern an Negativität und limitierenden Überzeugungen auszubrechen?
NFPF Chinese
Course詩篇 34:3 並沒有說,“哦,放大我的問題;”它說:“願你與我一同尊主為大。” 你準備好打破消極和自我限制的信念模式了嗎?
40 Days of Joy
CourseThe joy of the Lord is your strength. 40 Days of Joy, based on Steve's book, Igniting Joy in 40 Days.