Deepen your connection with God. Discern His direction in your life.

Learn how to recognize God’s voice with confidence and clarity.

  • Hearing Your Father’s Voice as a Child of God (Your Divine Birthright)

  • Identify the 9 Different “Languages of God”

  • Overcome the False Beliefs that Interfere with Hearing God

  • Practice Hearing God’s Voice for Other People

  • Discover How to Deepen Your Communion and Discover God’s Direction

“My biggest insight was discovering that it is much easier to hear God’s voice than I first imagined. I look back on my life to see that he’s been with me the whole time. I can honestly say that he is now my closest companion and friend.”


Instructor Bio:

Andy & Jenny Fitzgerald are passionate about helping others hear God’s voice. They love to listen to others’ stories and impart the valuable lessons they’ve learned. They believe everyone can hear God’s voice—with clarity and confidence. They believe that hearing God’s voice is the key to deeper communion with God and discovering one’s call in life. Andy and Jenny have been in ministry for over thirty years, serving as consultants, church planters, lead pastors, and university chaplains. They are currently the co-directors of Imagine Life Ministries, a personal and leadership coaching ministry. Jenny is an Igniting Hope certified Beliefs Coach and Trainer and Andy holds a doctorate in contextual theology (Northern Seminary). They have been married for 24 years and have four children, all of whom reside in Redding, CA.

Andy and Jenny Fitzgerald

What is included in my course?

  • Live Weekly Zoom Calls

    Join our weekly Thursday Zoom calls, starting September 26 - October 31 at 1:00pm PT.

  • Daily Audio or Video Teaching

    New daily videos and audio teachings with Andy & Jenny.

  • Encounters & Interviews

    Together, we will find breakthrough for those needed areas of our lives (i.e., parenting, marriage, singleness, work, ministry, etc.).

Register for the Hearing God’s Voice 6-week course today!

This course begins September 23, 2024